Octopath Traveller 2: Partito, the Merchant

The protagonist of “A Journey for Prosperity,” Partitio, also known as “the Merchant,” is on a journey to eradicate poverty and bring about equality throughout the nation.

Your name is Partitio Yellowwill, and you are a merchant. Your tale begins in the vast wastes of the Wildlands. After witnessing the rise and fall of the pioneer town you call home, you set your gaze upon the horizon. ‘I’ll be back once I eliminate that devil called poverty from the world!’

With dreams of bringing prosperity to all, you embark on a journey with only the scent of commerce to guide you…”

octopath traveller 2

The merchant job is a fantastic support class since Partitio can both command friends and distribute BP to the rest of the group to increase their odds of attacking.

Path Action

During the day, Partitio can use his merchant charms to buy things from others. You’ll need to fork up some money, and the more valuable an item is, the rarer it is.

However, Partitio will be able to employ aid from the streets after the day sets and the moon rises. Once you’ve hired someone, they’ll be able to assist in fight, so keep your cash close by once again.


Outside of combat, any of your hired personnel can be useful. Others might be able to score you a few freebies. Some hired assistance will secure you additional savings at stores. They will, of course, assist in battle as well, maybe at a cheaper cost.

Latent Power

When you only need a few additional hits in battle, Partitio’s ability to immediately replenish a party member’s full BP is crucial.

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